Reasons for outages
We're committed to providing you with a safe and reliable electricity supply.
We are constantly investing in the network to upgrade and improve our electricity supply. This involves regularly carrying out maintenance to prevent any damage to our electricity cables, lines and equipment. For example, it may be essential to repair a damaged cable in your area. For our engineers to carry out this work safely, we may have to turn off the power in the area.
If we need to switch off your power, we will give you as much notice as possible, unless it’s an emergency situation. We will send you a letter and text message before the planned outage.
Possible Reasons
Isolation of Customer Equipment
Carrying out a temporary disconnection of a Customers Supply Request
Maintenance of Overhead Networks
Carrying out maintenance on our overhead network
Overhead LCNF T2
Carrying out overhead work to allow low carbon technology connections
Underground LCNF T2
Carrying out underground work to allow low carbon technology connections