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Network Upgrade

When upgrading the power supply, temporary cuts may be necessary to enable the upgrade works. This work is to upgrade existing connections, catering for customers’ ongoing needs. The upgrade may be needed to meet new demands such as installing generation capability at a demand site or accommodating new machinery and equipment.

To provide excellent customer service, we must make sure that customers who want a connection, find the process as straightforward as possible. 

Our networks are evolving to facilitate increased demand, generation and storage capabilities. By creating a more efficient and flexible system, we can empower customers and position them at the forefront of the Net Zero transition. 

In the event of a power cut, it's important to be prepared. Take a moment to watch our videos on how to get ready for a power cut below, and if you need additional assistance, please reach out to our vulnerable customer service team using the link provided below. 

You can also refer to the details on your letter and call the local office should you require further information. Thank you for your understanding, we are committed to minimising these disturbances as much as possible.



Whilst we always endeavour to carry out our work with the minimum amount of inconvenience to our customers, there will be times where we have no choice but to interrupt the electricity supply. Even in these cases, we try to opt for the times that are best for the majority of our customers, but because of our extensive rolling work program, this is not always possible.


What can you do?

Keep a torch handy and make sure you check its batteries.

Make up flasks with hot drinks and food for use during the supply interruption.

Keep you freezer door shut while the electricity supply is off.